Know Thyself Exercise 5: Take a Test
Psychometric assessments help you reframe and get an objective mirror of yourself. Often, you start by filling a questionnaire with a series of questions, and the model reflects back to you their findings based on the model and metrics it’s seeking for. I have collected a list of my favorite ones below:
Nr 1: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) helps identify your dominant preference across 4 personality dichotomies (“either/or” format): Extraversion–Introversion (E–I), Sensing–Intuition (S–N), Thinking–Feeling (T–F), Judging–Perceiving (J–P). The combination of your 4 preferences leads to a 4 letter acronym, which represents 1 of 16 personality types (for example, my personality type is ENFP). You will be surprised by the accuracy of the description of your profile.
Nr 2: Insights Discovery (aka “colors”): Is similar to MBTI, but only uses 2 of the 4 dichotomies (Introversion-Extraversion, Thinking-Feeling), leading to 4 personality types (instead of 16): Cool Blue (Introverted thinkers), Fiery Red (Extroverted Thinkers), Sunshine Yellow (Extroverted Feelers), Earth Green (Introverted Feelers). Sometimes there is a “primary & secondary preference”. So for example, I am first yellow, then red. Additionally, there is a “conscious persona” (who you believe yourself to be) and a “Less Conscious Persona” result (instinctive version of yourself, exhibited under stress). This model is visual and easier to grasp, which is excellent for team dynamics and groups. For individual reflection, I personally preferred MBTI.
Nr 3: Big 5 Personality Traits model grades you on a spectrum (percentage) for each formative personality trait (agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, openness). It's different from MBTI insofar as it grades you on a continuum (rather than either/or dichotomy format) and on different variables. It’s generally considered a more scientific and rigorous version of psychometric testing: There is extensive psychology research based on the Big 5.
Nr 4: CliftonStrengths Assessment: Online test where they will help you identify your top 5 out of 34 strengths. The core philosophy is for you to focus on identifying and utilizing your strengths, instead of trying to improve your weaknesses. I support this, particularly when it's about finding a new role.
Nr 5: Holland Code Occupational Preferences Test (RIASEC): refers to your career preferences according to 6 types: R - Realistic (Things), I - Investigative (Ideas), A - Artistic (Creativity), S - Social (People), E - Enterprising (Tasks) and C- Conventional (Order).
The more insightful of paid assessments I have undertaken was Harrisson Assessments, Traits & definitions and paradoxical behaviors. It’s normally offered through your company and it’s a paid service, so somewhat less accessible.
Resources & (free) tests:
Original MBTI, which offers paid testing and facilitation services:
Free MBTI-like test and personality type descriptions:
Free Big 5 Personality Traits test here:
Understanding Clifton Strengths: